Giving Encouragement

“When I opened my eyes this morning, I saw the sky sending me encouragement.” Dr Stacey Gonzales

Several days ago, Dr Stacey posted this quote with a beautiful photo of a sunrise. Her photo made me think of a friend who has taken photos of numerous sunrises and sunsets and shares many of them with me.

The significance of this is that she suffers from severe migraines and is unable to physically do much. But one time she told me, what little she can do, she is trying to do. Her photos are beautiful and always bring a smile to my face when I look at them.

Her comment about trying to still do something, even if it’s just a little, made me think – am I doing all that I can to give to others? While she physically can’t do much, she is bringing joy to others by sharing her photography talent.

I am trying to bring positive encouragement to others, but I think I can still do more. So, as the sky sent encouragement to Dr Stacey, I am resolving to try harder to bring encouragement to others.

I invite you to join me. Try encouraging at least one person each day for the rest of this week and see how it feels.