The Power of One Word

The power of one word…

I tried something new. A post I saw gave this suggestion: write out words of affirmation on little hearts, one for each day starting February 1 through February 14. So I made a set for each of my kids and for each of my grandblessings.

The words on the hearts were simple: “You are…”:

You are amazing!

You are worthy!

You are remarkable!

You are outstanding!

My daughter told me that one of her twin boys open his first word on February 1 and then kept saying his word over and over with a big smile.

His word for that day: You are a treasure!

He may only be four – but that one word positively affected him.

My invitation to you: share the power of one positive word with someone. (It doesn’t have to be someone on Linked In – say it to your family, friends, or co-workers, as well as people on LinkedIn.) Maybe you don’t create hearts for each day from now until Valentine’s Day, but you can share one or two or three words of affirmation verbally with someone.

Writing or just saying them to someone is so effective.

The power of one word…can positively make a difference!