Need some inspiration, encouragement, motivation to start the week?
I know I do! And these people have encouraged me, so I want to share their thoughts….
“Pick one thing. Start doing it. It’s not complicated.” Scott Boddie
“With anything new, you cannot get better if you do not start. Just to let you know when you start anything, especially video, you probably aren’t going to be great. That is ok. Do not let that stop you from starting.” Jared Wittman
“Show up for yourself first. Everyone else is a bonus. You might be your greatest critic. You also have the capacity to be your greatest cheerleader.” Lisa Mullis
And serving someone else in some way is the best way to be encouraged!
“I always think of how it costs nothing but a few seconds of time to throw some sunshine into someone’s day by being a ray of light. It can turn someone’s day around to know you’re thinking of them.” Shell Vera
Here’s to STARTING – whatever the project is!
Share your message – share your light – start a transformation!
Need help sharing your message…..DM me – let’s have a discovery conversation to see if I might be able to help you…..