Why the Name “Butterfly Star”?

Vulnerability confession: The post I made on LinkedIn yesterday, I almost didn’t post because I was unsure of the reaction.

It’s not because I didn’t believe in the idea I presented – because I do wholeheartedly! But I was sharing a new name and I wasn’t sure how people would react.  After I wrote it, I hesitated before I hit the “post” button.

As I was hesitating, I heard the voices of Hallie Avolio and Simon Parsons reminding me to be authentic, be true to myself, and not worry about what others think! What’s the worst that can happen? No one responds.

I could also hear the voices of Dr Stacey Gonzales and Luanna Bronzini telling me to go ahead, that they support me!

So the post, in case you didn’t see it yesterday, I introduced a way to honor people with a new name called “Butterfly Star.” I plan to highlight a different person every Friday.

In the original post, I wanted to include a little background as to why I chose that name, but the character count in a post is limited – and I wanted the focus to be on Jonathan Darling.

So why “butterfly star”?

A butterfly is an important symbol to me. A shortened version of why is because a monarch butterfly appeared twice to me in one day shortly after my granddaughter was born, which was six months after my dad had died. I believe that was a sign from him. He left a tremendous legacy of sharing hope and love with others and I want to do the same. That’s why I chose the name “Butterfly Copywriting” as my business name.

A “star” gives value just by shining.

So to me, a “butterfly star” is someone who shares hope and love, while giving value to others.