ANCHOR ARTICLE: Written for TRAE BOHLEN by Val Roskens Tews
“Bees don’t waste time explaining to flies why honey is better than poo. I help you attract your bees!”
What does that mean?
Do you know how to “attract more bees” to your business? Does the way in which you’re showing up on social media represent who you really are?
Branding and marketing
Let’s first start with definitions: Branding is who you are and who your business is. Marketing is what you do with that.
Branding involves defining and promoting what you stand for as an individual and as a business. It’s all the details. Your brand is made up of the experiences, skills, and values that make you unique and stand out from the crowd.
But so many people get that out of order. They start with marketing – push, push marketing, but they don’t know who this needs to be directed to.
Branding Rule #1: You can’t market until you know your brand!
This means creating your foundation – your core values, your mission statement, who you are, who you are serving. You cannot market well and will not attract your ideal client, if you don’t know foundationally who you are.
Brand photography creates an impact
This is why brand photography is so important, because images sum up who you are. “A picture is worth a thousand words” – yes, that’s a cliché but it’s also true. People are visual and so many things can be told in a photo, a video, or film, that can have a different kind of impact than the written word.
Now, don’t get me wrong – the written word is powerful! I definitely believe in the power of words, but that’s why this is so important. It’s not just photography, not just film, not just writing – it’s combining all of these strategically together, to help you make an impact when you post on social media.
It becomes a powerhouse when you know what place you’re coming from. It’s like training for a marathon. You start at a certain point and as you progress, you get stronger and stronger. You start moving forward.
I can take you anywhere to shoot, but without knowing something about you, the background won’t have as much meaning. That’s why I have a consultation before the photography session to get to know you – as a person and as a brand.
Consider this example. I spent only 15 minutes talking to a potential client, but during that conversation I found out that she loves bridges and stairs. She loves deep, metaphorical images because she wants people to think about how she can help them bridge the gap. She told me she wanted to start with a brick wall and then the next image would be a bridge. I was able to figure out why: she is helping people get to the next level. This creates a powerful visual.
Here’s the key to this: if we hadn’t had that conversation, I would have simply taken a pretty picture. But because I talked to her, her images will be customized to her and her brand. Once the images are created, then impactful copy can be written.
Create positive experiences
I’m not just taking pictures. I’m helping create a positive experience for you that can be used to create wonderful experiences with your customers/clients. When you know who you are, it will give you confidence with your clients. It will help you find the right clients, the ones you can make an impact with.
I’m a coach with a camera. I’m a connector. I’m a come-and-see kind of person. If there’s something good, I want other people to know about it. If I can help you understand who you are, then I can tell people about you – come-and-see this wonderful person!
That’s why the “getting to know you” part of the process at the beginning is so vital. It starts building the trust factor. It also helps to determine the best places to shoot the photos. Instead of just having stock or standard backgrounds, like in an office, I help you stand out by shooting on location. We will choose backgrounds that have meaning for you.
The power of choosing the right background
Backgrounds can make or break the picture. By choosing distinctive backgrounds, it will focus on you and your gifts. It will also allow the copy to have more of an impact as it complements the powerful images that show who you are. A common background versus one that highlights you will evoke so many more emotions – and that’s what you want. People to connect with you, wanting to know you!
I love shooting on location and being outside in nature. I think my best work happens there, so that’s why I like to create a mobile photography studio. I can shoot in the studio, but I prefer to be on location because it allows you to stand out! Let me ask you this: Do you want your images to look like everyone else’s? When a stock photo is used, you can tell it’s fake. You risk devaluing your brand when utilizing stock images for your visual content.
Articles with images get 94% more total views than articles without images.* But your images must be leveraged to get that increase in views. Generic images of smiling people staring blankly will not forge a connection between you and your audience. I will create the best branding images and plan out exactly how they can be used and in what context to make the best choices possible. That will help you get the views you need to connect you with your ideal client!
Authentic content holds more weight
I am a powerful voice for the non-AI people! I will give you real photos and authentic content which will distinguish you as the one that people will want to do business with!
The sameness of AI takes away from the beauty of humans. Every person is perfectly imperfect. People want to see that in the images and writing. Do you want to do business with some airbrushed supermodel? Or do you want to do business with a friend?
The positive impact that brand photography can create is huge! It’s something you as a business owner need. You do not want your images to look the same as others. Authentic content holds more weight. Using AI takes away the originality and uniqueness of you.
Your brand is more than your headshot
This is what I can help you uncover. My transformational coaching and brand photography provide you with actionable steps. You are more than your headshot or a written post.
Are you ready to make an impact and take your business to the next level?
Contact me today and let’s set up a time to talk.
Receive my free e-book, “Impact the World with Your Business! A Guide to Understanding and Elevating Your Brand,” by having a consultation discovery call with me.
*According to Jeff Bullas ranked #1 Global Content Marketing Influencer by Planable.
Contact information for Trae Bohlen: