Ever since I was in second grade and my teacher, Mrs. Hink, introduced me to storytelling, I have wanted to be a writer…
It started as a dream…which has turned into reality…
It’s been a process… an enlightenment…a transformation…
My passion is writing.
My mission is to help people shine through writing by being their “content creation partner writer” and create authentic, impactful content just for them.
Two of my favorite kinds of writing are:
- helping authors share about themselves and their books
- writing anchor (main) articles to help coaches share their message.
Your book helps others to be inspired and empowered…
Original thought leadership in one article allows you to be the one being quoted (not someone else)…
I created the “Butterfly Method” to help you create content that can help build a community of *business friends* and make strong connections. Included in the “Butterfly Method” are the “Conversation to Content Method” and “Customized Author Promotion.”
You do the talking. I do the listening – and the writing.
How can I help you? Let’s have a discovery conversation and talk about ideas!
My BA degree from the University of Iowa in Journalism and Public Relations has given me a strong foundation for my writing. My faith, my family, and my friends are priorities for me. I love to celebrate life by playing with my grandblessings, scrapbooking, reading, and going for walks.

Val Roskens Tews
Email: val@butterflycopywriting.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/val-roskens-tews/
Let’s have a coffee chat or a discovery conversation to talk about ideas!
Meaning of “Butterfly Copywriting”:
After my granddaughter was born in September 2018, I was able to spend a couple weeks with her and her twin brothers. On one of those days, she and I were sitting outside on the deck on a nice fall day, watching the boys play in the yard. As we were sitting there, a beautiful Monarch fluttered right by us, lingered for a few seconds, and then flew up to a nearby tree, staying there for a few seconds more before flying away. That butterfly immediately made me think of my dad who had died six months earlier in March.
Later that afternoon, the boys and I were out for a walk and a Monarch flew right by us and paused on a dandelion in a vacant lot. I was able to take some pictures of this butterfly and I again thought of my dad.

So I call this my “butterfly of hope” because I believe the butterfly was sent twice that day to remind us that there is still hope and love in this world. I chose the name “Butterfly Copywriting” as a reminder to share those values with others – just like my dad did. He left a tremendous legacy of sharing hope and love with others and I want to try to do the same. -Val