I smile every time I look at this little “scrubbie.” Not because it’s smiling at me but because my mom was so excited when she gave it to me – and everyone else who was staying at the house at that time!
This was one of her “big” discoveries that she thought was so neat! She even had me go down to the hardware store and purchase some more so that everyone could have two.
That was my mom. She loved shared her resources – big or little.
More importantly, she loved sharing her life and having us share ours with her.
So this “scrubbie” is more than just a tool to help make washing dishes easier.
It reminds me of my mom and the legacy she left of living life enthusiastically with love, compassion, laughter, and lots of smiles!
I’m doing my best to continue her legacy….
Is there something your mom has given you that makes you smile every time you see it?