Customized Author Promotion (part 1)

Hey there – congratulations on writing your book! That is an incredible accomplishment!  

But… how are you sharing about it? If nobody knows about it, it’s like shouting into the wind.

You have a message to share, and people out there are hungry for it. But how do you reach them?

It’s not just about writing a book; it’s about building a community who is interested in what you share!

It’s about making connections and getting those connections to connect live with you.

I remember growing up reading books and thinking if I could meet an author that would be incredible.

And now through LinkedIn, I have met authors!

But I know who they are because I have made a positive relationship, a business friendship, with them.

And because I know them, I have purchased books from many of them.

The key is: a connection was created BEFORE the book was published.

My mission is to help authors share their message with others!

“Simply writing and publishing your book, no matter how excellent it is, doesn’t mean anyone will read it…You do need to build a following by making an authentic, personal connection with your readers.” John David Mann (co-author of “The Go-Giver” series and author of many other books!)

The best time to let people know you can help them is today! Marketing your book will be so much easier when the know, like, and trust factor is already created.

Ready to get your book into the hands of those who need it most? Need help making that happen? DM me on LinkedIn or schedule a call and let’s have a conversation about how to get started!